Archive for the ‘election’ Category
The 6 Other Deadly Sins
Posted on September 16, 2015
Several years ago, I wrote piece for Politico, imploring the Republican Party to start the process of focusing on sins other than lust, although there is still ample concern about our...
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Did You Know That White Women Voted for Mitt Romney By a 14 Point Spread?
Posted on September 15, 2015
I was surprised to hear it. No, shocked would be a better word. Peter Fenn, the Democratic strategist, friend and sometimes television/video foil for me, made the assertion that Mitt...
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The Loyalty Pledge and Donald Trump
Posted on September 3, 2015
The Republican National Committee is circulating a loyalty pledge among the 17 or so Republicans who are running for the White House. I assume the effort is to nail Donald...
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Miley Cyrus, Donald Trump and the Decline and Fall of American Culture
Posted on September 1, 2015
I doubt the Video Music Awards and Miley Cyrus will garner a mention by Donald Trump or any other Republican Presidential candidate (with the possible exception of Mike Huckabee). But...
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Black Lives Matter to Ben Carson
Posted on August 31, 2015
I assume that the Black Lives Matter movement won’t be endorsing Ben Carson for President. Carson leads the polls in the white-bread Iowa Republican Party Presidential polls, where black people...
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