Archive for the ‘History’ Category
The Limits of Libertarianism
Posted on July 29, 2011
I like to call myself a Libertarian, but I am really not. I don’t really want government to disappear. While I read The Fountainhead in college, and I admit I...
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Remember Charlie Stenholm
Posted on July 28, 2011
Charlie Stenholm, the former Congressman from Texas, perennially sponsored and pushed for a balanced budget to the Constitution. Charlie was a Democrat, and sponsoring the balanced budget amendment helped him...
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Boehner Is In Fine Shape
Posted on July 27, 2011
John Boehner is doing an exceptional job as Speaker under extraordinarily tough times. When I first started working in Congress, Tom Foley had just taken over from Jim Wright as...
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The Limits of the Bully Pulpit
Posted on July 26, 2011
President Obama has not been shy lately in trying to use the power of the bully pulpit to get his way on Capitol Hill. It is not clear that his...
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The Power of One
Posted on July 25, 2011
It is awfully hard to comprehend what happened in Norway over the weekend. How could one man do so much damage in the name of Christianity? How could that one...
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