Archive for the ‘spending’ Category
Security Vs. Freedom
Posted on February 15, 2011
My son Jack loves to jump around. He is a five year old, and he likes to jump on furniture, jump down the stairs, jump up and jump down. He...
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You Say You Want a Revolution?
Posted on February 11, 2011
Hosni Mubarak surprised everybody when he said that he was sticking around until September. Charles Krauthammer predicts that once the mosques adjourn in Cairo later today, there are going to...
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Billion Here, Billion There
Posted on February 10, 2011
It was Everett Dirksen who once said, “a billion here, a billion there…pretty soon you are talking real money.” That may have been true back in the 60’s, when the...
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Shared Sacrifice
Posted on February 9, 2011
Now comes the not-so-fun part. It is awfully easy to talk about cutting spending. It is awfully easy to talk about shrinking government. It is awfully hard to actually do...
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Foreign Aid On the Chopping Block
Posted on February 8, 2011
According to a Gallup poll released right before the President’s State of the Union Address, a majority of Americans said they favor cutting U.S. foreign aid, but more than 6...
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