Archive for the ‘Theory’ Category
The Case for Romney
Posted on December 13, 2011
The New York Times had an interesting exposé over the weekend, delving into Mitt Romney’s deepest, darkest secret: He is a cheapskate. Despite the fact that Romney has several large...
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Vlad Must Go
Posted on December 12, 2011
Vlad Must Go The Occupy Wall Street movement has moved to Russia. How is that for some irony? The protest movement that started in Cairo, swept through almost every Middle...
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Pujols and Change
Posted on December 9, 2011
Albert Pujols is part of that one-percent that the President and the Occupy Wall Street People hate so much. He translated his enormous talent and hard work into hundreds of...
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Religion and Romney
Posted on December 8, 2011
Careful, Mitt In a new ad, Mitt Romney treads dangerously close to a perilous place for him politically. In an effort to contrast himself to Newt Gingrich, he says: “I’ve...
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The Square Deal
Posted on December 6, 2011
As Republicans continue to fumble all over themselves, President Obama made a bold move to reclaim the white middle class. Mitt Romney (the only GOP candidate to utter the words...
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