Posts Tagged ‘Barack Obama’
The Mayor’s Departure and What It Means for the Rest of Us
Posted on September 7, 2010
When Mayor Daley announced that he was resigning, it made Washington liberals very happy. It should have also put a smile on Republican Presidential candidates too. Let me explain. For...
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Obama’s Cruelest Month
Posted on September 7, 2010
“April is the cruelest month, breeding lilacs out of the dead land, mixing memory and desire, stirring dull roots with spring rain.” – T.S. Eliot–The Wasteland Had T.S. Elliot just...
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Where Is Obama On Crime?
Posted on September 3, 2010
Only in America could gang-bangers have a press conference and complain about police harassment. That is exactly what several members of some of Chicago’s most violent gangs did yesterday. On...
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The Romer Speech
Posted on September 2, 2010
Just about every Monday night over the last several years, I have tried to recapture my youth by playing basketball with a bunch of other guys who are similarly trying...
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The Glenn Beck Fans
Posted on September 1, 2010
Glenn Beck is crazy. His fans, on the other hand, are not. I have talked to several reporters about the Beck event on the mall over the weekend, and every...
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