Posts Tagged ‘Congress’
The 10-Year Number
Posted on April 1, 2011
It is easy to be fairly nonchalant about the current budget battle that has consumed the Congress. Pundits (myself included) have pointed out that the tens of billions of dollars...
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Opening Day
Posted on March 31, 2011
The Washington Nationals open their baseball season today against the Atlanta Braves, which got me thinking about the connections between baseball and Congress. Baseball is usually associated with the White...
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D.C. Scholarships
Posted on March 30, 2011
I was driving into work this morning, listening to Tim Farley’s always excellent morning show on the POTUS channel of XM/Sirius radio, as he interviewed Washington D.C.’s delegate to Congress,...
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Stay Focused
Posted on March 28, 2011
Independent voters swung for the Republicans in the last election and they swung hard. They put Barack Obama into the White House two years ago and put the Tea Party...
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Mayan Ruins
Posted on March 23, 2011
Somebody in the White House had the presence of mind to tell the President that perhaps taking the kids to visit the Mayan Ruins may not have been the best...
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