Posts Tagged ‘Conservatives’
Obama is Losing it
Posted on October 11, 2010
If you are an American and you travel anywhere in the world in an official capacity, one of your first meetings is likely to be with the local American Chamber...
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The Tea Party’s Future
Posted on October 5, 2010
(Originally published on The Republican Party was born in 1854 from the ashes of the Whig Party, which disintegrated over the issue of slavery. Over the course of its...
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Education as a wedge issue
Posted on October 5, 2010
(Originally posted on 10/4) Over the weekend, the NAACP and the NEA, without the slightest bit of irony, marched hand in hand in Washington in a rally that was...
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Spin Shields The Truth
Posted on October 4, 2010
The headline in yesterday’s New York Times blared: “House Majority Still Uncertain, Republicans Say.” Politico reports this morning, “Democrats seize on signs of hope.” On the one hand, you have...
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Regular Order
Posted on October 1, 2010
When Denny Hastert started as Speaker of the House, he promised, after four tumultuous years of Newt Gingrich, to bring regular order back to the lower chamber. To Hastert, regular...
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