Posts Tagged ‘Democrats’
Finish the Sentence
Posted on February 23, 2011
My good friend Ed Gillespie is a smart guy and an exceptional communications professional. I heard him speak a couple of weeks ago about politics and he made a good...
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Shut Down
Posted on February 16, 2011
During the Eddie Murphy years, Saturday Night Live had an iconic skit that can best be called “Who Shot Buckwheat.” In a spoof of the media culture that glorifies murderers...
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Security Vs. Freedom
Posted on February 15, 2011
My son Jack loves to jump around. He is a five year old, and he likes to jump on furniture, jump down the stairs, jump up and jump down. He...
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You Say You Want a Revolution?
Posted on February 11, 2011
Hosni Mubarak surprised everybody when he said that he was sticking around until September. Charles Krauthammer predicts that once the mosques adjourn in Cairo later today, there are going to...
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Reagan Wannabes
Posted on February 7, 2011
Ronald Reagan casts a long historic shadow. He changed the course of American history and now is proudly featured in General Electric advertisements that focus on his 100th birthday. It...
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