John Feehery: Speaking Engagements


Posts Tagged ‘Jay Leno’

  • So Long, Dave

    Posted on May 21, 2015

    I was in college when David Letterman first got his late night show. Back then, I routinely stayed up past my bedtime, drinking beer, shooting pool, playing cards, talking philosophy,...

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  • Time to take charge

    Posted on January 13, 2015

    (This originally appeared in The Hill.) Jay Leno is expected to give remarks to a joint meeting of House and Senate Republicans in Hershey, Pa., later this week. There is some...

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  • Leno’s Forced Retirement Is a Cautionary Tale

    Posted on February 7, 2014

    You are at the top of your game.   Your jokes are as funny as ever.  You are easily beating your competition.  You make a lot of money for your bosses.   ...

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